Sunday, February 7, 2010

Falling in Love

The Safe Place by The Little Fox on Etsy

This post is supposed to be about how I fell in love with crafting and creating; however, I think I've pretty much exhausted that topic in previous posts here and here.

Instead, I feel the need to revisit those persnickety goals I came up with not so long ago (has it only been two weeks?), and check in on the progress (if any) I'm making towards them.
Goal #1 - To prioritize my time in order to balance work, shop, recreation, and my many interests:

Hah, now I realize what a pipe dream it was to think I could cut 12 hours from my work schedule.  Since I set that as my primary goal, my mind has been consumed with ideas of things I could do for work, things I want to learn about teaching and technology, and wanting to work on our class and student blogs.  It's almost as if the thought alone made me feel guilty, like I need to work overtime to make up for even thinking of abandoning my students.  Or really, I just love teaching kids and want that to be the priority over crafting and trying to sell my wares.  Could it be???

In fact, I didn't do any shop updates this week (since putting together my Valentine's Day Scarf Sale for the month of February last weekend), and you know what?  I don't feel bad about it at all.   To be brutally honest, I'm kind of glad I didn't have any sales, or I would have had to wrap the items, package them up, get to the post office (not a thrilling place my past few experiences) and get them in the mail, all on top of parent conferences at work.  I know, I know, this is sooooo not good P.R. for my shop, but I have to say it.

I did up my meditation time and that seems to be helping me not feel like it's imperative that all things must get done--NOW! Somehow, I wonder if this is what helped me decide to reprioritize my time back to teaching.

Didn't get any exercise in, because I was feeling sick again.

Goal #2: Taking the time to organize and put things away
Goal #3: Finish up projects that are already out instead of starting new ones

I did clean up the living room.  Now I'm down to one little pile of papers on the couch, but the dining room table and rocking chair are no longer being used to  hold up stacks of stuff!  I also put away most of my "in progress" projects and am down to just my regular knitting bag by the couch.

Overall, I think it was a very good week.

I guess what I'm saying through this little diatribe is that I fall in love over and over again with different parts of my life, in cycles.  Sometimes I am in creative/making things with my hands mode, and sometimes I am in research/educator mode.  And sometimes, just sometimes, I clean up the house a little bit!

(Of course, there are people I love too, but that will be another post to come....)

Jim Warren on Planet Perplex
Can you find the 7 hearts in this picture?

So, what about you?  What are YOU most in love with in your life right now? 

1 comment:

  1. I find that my creativity moves and flows, too. Some weeks, I can't pull myself out of my studio. Other weeks, I can't bear to go in! I really like how you phrase it: "I fall in love over and over again with different parts of my life, in cycles."

    I think for me, I'm most in love with the fact that all my loved ones are in good health (which wasn't always the case the past few years). I'm also loving just being in the moment and enjoying each day as it comes.
